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Welcome to the History Lovers Grand Tour & Scavenger Hunt!

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As the name implies, we’re a group of readers and authors who love both history and romance, especially when they’re combined in a delightful story. If you feel the same, you’re welcome to join us on our Facebook page and converse with us about historical romance fiction.


Below you’ll find authors of historical romances set in a wide variety of time periods. Perhaps by participating in our Grand Tour you’ll discover some new authors for your future reading pleasure. Hop around to your heart’s content, feel free to comment on the posts, hunt for answers to the authors’ questions, and perhaps you’ll be one of our 25 lucky prize winners (see contest details below)…although you’re already a winner if you find a new story to read, do you not agree?


The theme for this tour is Courting Rituals, and for my post, I’ve chosen to talk about hunting, specifically beagling.


The Beginning of a Long Career

I imagine my handsome young man knows that our lovely young lady loves animals – much like the Quill Sisters do – and has invited her to go beagling. Our heroine is delighted at the prospect of joining her latest crush and a group of friends, cavorting with a pack of beagles and flitting about in the frothy morning air. Sadly, she is disappointed to learn that beagling involves hunting for hares (gasp). Fuzzy bunnies. Sweet little rabbits. It’s not even done with the assistance of horses. Nevertheless, she has a husband to catch and she’ll be with her friends, so she dons several layers of warm outerwear and some sturdy boots, and off she and her group heads into the Beagle-TheMerryBeaglerswoods.

Beagling has a long history in Great Britain and was even a favorite pastime of Elizabeth 1. Eventually the trend lead more toward the excitement of fox hunting and the hobby of beagling evolved into primarily a woman’s and old man’s sport. The dogs used in beagling are not the breed we know as a beagle now. Rather they were any pack of small hounds used for hunting.

Sadly, our miss finds the whole event rather less to her liking. It’s cold in the morning and tramping around in the brush is not where she wants to be. Not even the warm tea the servants prepared to warm the ladies serves to pick up her spirits. Until a soft brown blur races by her and hides in the undergrowth. Pushing aside the twigs and leaves, the lady discovers a tiny terrified rabbit. A baby, really, who is too afraid to move even as she extends her hand and gathers the wee, shivering creature to her. His ear twitches and a small leg kicks out as he snuggles up next to her. No one notices the movement inside her pelisse and our lady secrets the animal home.

The gallant young hero escorts the lady home and asks to call on her again. A brief curtsey and a shy smile give the man hope and he clasps her gloved hand in his. Perhaps she would accompany him on a fox hunt next time since she did express a desire for a mounted hunt? The lady considers – she considers the possibility of other frightened animals, these red-hued with perky, pointed ears and sharp, little faces.

Perhaps she should take a basket with her?

“I should like that very much, sir.”


The prize I am offering is an ebook or print copy (in the United States) of my book Miss Goldsleigh’s Secret and this is how you qualify for a chance to win:


Here’s my question for the scavenger hunt: What is the color of the bunny our heroine rescues?


Click on the History Lovers Grand Tour page to fill in the answer, and you may continue on from there. Enjoy!




When Henry Cavendish, Marquess of Dalton, leapt to catch the fainting woman before she hit the cobblestone, he never thought that one chivalrous act would set his well ordered life on end.  His ingrained need to protect her has every bit as much to do with her enchanting beauty as it does his desire to wipe the hunted look from her startling blue eyes. He thinks he has everything in hand, but the lady has secrets that puts everything he loves at risk.

Olivia Goldsleigh just wants to live without terror, but a gunshot in the night proves things can always get worse. The beautiful and god-like Lord Dalton swears to protect her, to make the danger go away. She wants the man, the life, the family, the bliss he promises, but her secrets are certain to destroy them all.




History Lovers Grand Tour Authors


Rue Allyn • Amylynn Bright • Collette Cameron • Téa CooperBeverley Eikli • Susana EllisAileen Fish • Debra Glass Amy Hearst • Evangeline Holland • Piper HuguleyEliza Knight • Kristen Koster • Cora Lee Georgie Lee • Suzi LoveDenise Lynn • Deborah Macgillivray • Barbara Monajem Shelly MunroElla Quinn • Eva Scott • Shereen Vedam • Elaine Violette



  1. Each author will offer a prize for a contest, the specifics of which is set up entirely by her. The contest will be open to all participants, regardless of geographic location. For logistical purposes, authors may substitute a digital prize (gift card, etc.) of equal value for another prize that might prove difficult to mail to a distant location.
  2. The Grand Prize for the Scavenger Hunt will be awarded to the participant with the most correct answers to the authors’ scavenger hunt questions.  In case of a tie, the winner will be chosen randomly.
  3. The winners will be posted on the History Lovers Grand Tour page the following week.


Scavenger Hunt

  • Click on the above links to each author’s blog. The blog tour entry can be identified by the graphic in the upper right corner of the post. If it is not the top post, look for the graphic in a prominent location on the sidebar, and click on it to find the blog tour entry.
  • Read the blog post and the author’s short answer question at the end. Locate the answer to the question, then click on the link to the History Lovers Grand Tour page and type in the answer next to the author’s name. Be sure to fill in the your name and email address!
  • You may go back to same page and read more of the author’s post (excerpt, etc.) or you may click on another author’s name on the answer sheet and repeat the process.
  • When you are finished, check to make sure the spaces for your name and email address are filled in correctly, and submit your answer sheet to the tour coordinator. If you submit an incomplete answer sheet, you may come back later and make another submission with the remaining answers when you have more time.
  • Any questions about the scavenger hunt should be directed to the tour coordinator .

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