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July 25

5-things12Howdy! That’s what they say in San Antonio. We like to submerse ourselves. This is what we’ve gleaned from the convention so far. Stairs are awful. San Antonio is hot and humid. Heels are bad. Double beds are waaaaay too small to hold two Quill Sisters. Mexican food at home is the REAL Mexican food. Romance writers are funny. We have no desire to get back into the car for another twelve hours on Sunday. Next week we’re doing the Five Favorite Authors we met here. Here are some of the best things about smittenthis week.

1. Christy Snow – best reviewer ever. Back when Cooking Up Love came out, The review site covered it. The fabulous Ms. Snow gave it an “A”. She loved it, wanted it for her keeper shelf, and wished that Carina did more print books. Carina Press did have our books printed up for the Literacy Signing. That excited us to no end, as I’m sure you can imagine. It also excited Amylynn when Ms.

The OTHER author

The OTHER author

Snow showed up at her table at the signing and said, “I think I read this book.” It took us a moment to figure out who each other was, but then there was squealing. SQUEALING. Ms. Snow now has her very own copy. Yeah, Carina.


Some of our swag

2. Cooking Up Love. So Amylynn was in the Goody Room leaving swag for the crowd when she was approached by a lovely lady. She introduced herself as Gemma Brocato. Here’s were it goes Twilight Zone. Ms. Brocato has a book called Cooking Up Love also. Fortunately there was mutual laughter and Ms. Brocato didn’t seem like she was going to harm Amylynn over it. Perhaps she wanted to. Who would blame her? It turns out there are four books on Amazon with the same title. We’re giving you a massive eye roll, here.  Go see Ms. Brocato’s version of Cooking Up Love. We’re certain it’s adorable.

3. Speaking of the Goody Room. The Sisters love stuff. We really love FREE stuff. That’s what the Goody Room is all about. It’s hundreds of author’s free swag to promote them and their books. Lip balm, bookmarks, chip clips, wee boxing gloves keychains, tattoos, suckers, candy, books, bubbles, pens, a box of kittens, notebooks. You name it–it’s probably down there. Okay, the box of kittens is a RWA logolie.  We were hoping to inspire someone for next year.

4. Our tribe. Every time we come to this convention, we are reminded these are our people. Our tribe. We understand them. They understand us. They’re funny. It’s one of the few times we can strike up a starbucksconversation with anyone and they will “get” what we’re talking about – not like those people at our houses who roll their eyes and tell us we’re nuts.

5. Over-priced Food. Inexplicably, we had to come all the way to San Antonio to find out what a $7 cup of coffee look likes.  Just so you know, it looks exactly like a $5 cup of coffee does in our hometown.  Ever wonder what a $49.50 dinner at one of those Brazilian grilled meat restaurants look likes?  Well, just hop on over to San Antonio or go to the Brazilian restaurant in your town where it’s $39.00 and over tip the waiter by $10.50.  The food is so overpriced here it’s gotten to be funny.  What ever we’re charged we just hand over the cash.  $12.00 for a $7.00 martini?  Sure and keep the change!

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