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Brrrr, Vrooom, and Ahhhhhhhh!

I made it into Texas, which was a miracle since apparently they were hardly letting anyone in. I’m certain they’ll come to regret it. Primarily because I’ve been complaining about the weather to any Texans who will listen. Maserati

So the Avis lady commiserated with me. She’s my favorite Texan so far. I almost got her talked into upgrading me to the Maserati Ghilbli they were promoting at the counter. You know I worked the hell out of that negotiation. Turns out instead she gave me a red 2016 Mustang with 900 miles on

Note all the ice on the car AFTER I drove it.

Note all the ice on the car AFTER I drove it.

it. It would have totally rocked if the streets in Dallas hadn’t scared the hell out of me. This coming from someone who’s driven over 200 miles per hour on Homestead Raceway in Florida.

Every time I put my foot on the gas I spun out. Ice everywhere. This from a desert girl who has NEVER driven on ice before. I am in a car that made The Bandit so excited he nearly peed himself, and I’m too afraid to go over 40 miles per hour on the freeway.

To be fair, me and everyone else.

If I don’t break my leg slipping around on all this ice while I’m here it’ll be a miracle.

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