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Melania Trump

This is not  political blog – so relax.

The Sisters can’t stop watching the clip of Melania swatting her husband’s hand away as they walk from their plane.

Why is she hitting him?  Why?  We need to know. We really do.

Sure, we can make stuff up.  That’s who we are. Possibilities include . . .

She’s hitting him because he said something stupid. That’s a safe bet. All husband’s say stupid shit.

She’s hitting him because she wants a puppy/kitten and he said NO.  Another sure winner. Husbands think they are in charge of animal count as soon as they start to realize you have no puppy/kitten self-control to speak of.

She’s hitting him because he’s going around the globe making unreasonable requests for “gold-rimmed bone-china dinner plates divided so the food doesn’t touch with a special small well for ketchup” to their foreign hosts. Totally possible, husbands, and men in general, go around making unreasonable requests all the time.

Melania – call us or comment here. WE HAVE TO KNOW WHY YOU SWATTED DONALD TRUMP! We have to know.

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