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The nine year old girl who lives in my house (I wish her parents or guardian would come pick her up, she’s been here for a while . . . like . . . nine years . . .) offered me a compromise yesterday.  We’ve been arguing over the “tent” she has constructed in her room out of blankets, sheets, twigs and human hair.  It is now so large, it covers almost 25% of her floor space.  She sleeps in it.  It looks like a ghetto or District 9 and I have requested that it be taken down.

She refused, which prompted her “compromise”.

Girl – I have a compromise for you.  I can make the tent a little smaller or leave it the way it is now.

Me – That’s not a compromise.  A compromise is when both parties bring their wants and needs to the negotiating table, a discussion ensues during which each party gives a little and takes a little until an acceptable balance is reached.  Your compromise is really more of an anti-compromise.  I had no input and no accord has been found.

Girl – I have no idea what you’re talking about.  You use too many words and too many big words.  You really need to stop that.  I can help you practice.

Me – Practice?

Girl – You need to limit yourself to a few short sentences.  Try to stick to one or two syllable words, maybe one three syllable word.  If you need to use a four syllable word, just don’t, or one per conversation.

Me – I don’t think I can follow those rules.

Girl – Everyone else does.

Me – Amylynn doesn’t.

Girl – Perfect!  When you and Miss Amy are together use all the big words you want, use all the ones you both know so that you don’t use them on us.

The tent issue remains unresolved.  Heavy sigh . . .

2 Responses to Compromise

  • Debby says:

    Not to side with the girl, but I totally get the tent thing. (I was really into that sort of thing myself. It’s cool to have your own private little space where you can let your imagination wander.) What I’m wondering is, why does it bother you so much? It’s her room, right? I mean, visitors to your house aren’t subjected to the dreadful spectacle or anything, are they? Does it pose any danger? If not, then why not let it be? She will get tired of it and remove it on her own, in time, free of resentment toward you.

    Patience pays.

    Seriously, we parents have to pick our battles, and unless we want to be in constant contention with our off-spring, we need to make sure that we only engage in the battles that really matter. Otherwise, we simply become “controlling bitches” to our children, and eventually they won’t listen to anything we say or command, and that IS dangerous. (The same could be said for all relationships: as spouses, relatives, friends, co-workers, bosses, etc.)


  • Isaiah's Mama says:

    Ava…this is the FUNNIEST thing I’ve read lately! Absolutely the funniest! I see your point, though. The 6 year old boy at our place decided to make camp within his parents’ large bedroom for a good month and half. He decided it was time to make “clubhouse rules” at one point. His number one rule was “Clubhouse can NEVER come down! EVER!”. Little did he care about the running our toes into the iron chairs in the middle of the night. Or, heaven forbid mom remove the ironing board (that held up the ceiling to the clubhouse, for some much needed ironing. His clubhouse, our bedroom. Our reached compromise was the final rule “Clubhouse will come down on October 11th…..ish….”, which only prompted his classmates to come visit before the demolition.

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