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Don’t accidently use the Kleenex with the lotion to clean your glasses. That’s a huge mistake

I’m sure I know the answer to this question, but I’m gonna put it out there anyway.

I’ve mentioned before how seasonal allergies are really doing a number on me this year. I have no idea why this year is so much more than others, but I’m seriously considering dumping all my 401K stock in Kleenex.

Ava is sneezing like a maniac and Kelli sounds equally nasally and congested. It’s miserable.

So the question of the ages is this: Is your snot supposed to be neon green?

Yeah, I thought not.

Ava suggested that it was proof of my super powers but I’m not sure exactly how nuclear waste-like mucus is associated with my ability to fall asleep anywhere or to find the sarcastic angle in any conversation.

I know this blog will induce my mother to give me a long, protracted lecture about taking all my antibiotics. HA!  The joke’s on her because I’m not on any antibiotics, and I don’t have any plans to get on them anytime soon.

My Honey finds this latest disclosure highly irritating and it earned me a magnificent eye roll. I don’t know why? He knows damn good and well that I don’t go to the doctor until I have pneumonia. This is my tried and true medical plan. I figure you should wait until you have a bunch of symptoms instead of just one or two. That way you can maximize your co-pay dollars. I’m all about saving money – just ask My Honey.

Are you one of those people who makes an appointment at the first sign of a sniffle? Or are you one of us who waits for Typhoid to set in before you trudge to the primary care doctor? Do you finish all your prescriptions or just take the first four until you feel better like me?


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