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We hope this means there’ll be HellBoy 3

We live in the only state in the main US that doesn’t do Daylight Savings Time. What that means is several times a year we don’t know what the Hell time it is. That is to say, we know what time it is at home, but in relation to everyone else, we’re totally confused. What time is it in LA? If we have to do something for work at 3 Eastern Central Time it will take us twenty minutes to figure out if that is that noon or one? sons of anarchy

The reason I bring this up is because the time just changed EVERYWHERE ELSE and now all the good cable TV shows come on an hour later. This can get really distressing when something super exciting is happening on TV and you have no one to talk to about it.

These days Sons of Anarchy comes on at 11:00 and doesn’t end till about 12:30 or so. This is really bad because I have to watch it all by myself. If you don’t watch this show let me emphasize the fact that this is a seriously drama laden show. It’s brutal. Characters die all the time. Characters you love. Characters you hate. There are massive twists and turns. This is the kind of show that you want to watch with someone so that you can shriek, “What the hell just happened?”

So last night My Honey went to bed since he gets up for work at 5AM knowing that the DVR would record the show and he could watch it today. Ava never stays up that late. A couple of the other girls at work watch and it’s our water clay morrowcooler show, but you still can’t be calling or texting them at midnight or later.

It was killing me. Epic things happened. Really epic. I was desperate. I contemplated poking My Honey awake to tell him. I WAS DYING!

Even after I got to work on Wednesday and got to discuss it with everyone, we periodically would yell across the office, “I can’t believe XXXX is dead!” My Honey texted me that afternoon when he got to watch it. He texted me, “Holy crap they killed XXXX!”

I really hate Day Light Savings Time. It seriously delays the enjoyment of good shows.

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