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Such a let down

Since Ava gave you an example the other day of how she’s crazy, I thought I would do the same.

I have conversations with people who aren’t there. Not in a I see dead people sort of way. I have conversations with people I know in anticipation of seeing them later. Sadly, I’m often angry at that person and the conversation I’m having with them is often in the form of a fight.

So, let’s recap. I’m having arguments with people who aren’t there. And getting increasingly angry about it.

Sometimes this happens in dreams. I’ll wake up after a dream where I’ve been mad at my husband. I will still be angry when I see him later. FOR NO

These are intended to make you feel less INSANE

These are intended to make you feel less INSANE

REASON. I realize this is TOTALLY irrational, but I can’t help it.

This morning at the Bank of No Forks our usual security guard had some court thing so his boss came for the beginning of his shift. I need to disclose that I can not stand this man. I don’t know why, exactly. He just rubs me the wrong way. It may have stemmed from an episode wherein he gave me unsolicited dieting advice. The man is at least 300 pounds. I don’t want to hear shit from him. Look at me, I’m getting all irritated all over again.

So let me set up today’s scene. We’re having a potluck at work for no particular reason.  I had three grocery bags, a paper bag with a giant salad bowl and tongs, a dozen daffodils, my computer bag and my monster purse. That’s a lot of crap to haul across the parking lot. As I was pulling into my spot I started working into an imaginary fight. I just KNEW that lazy bastard wasn’t going to open the door for me, so I started writing the dialogue of our fight.

By the time I reached the sidewalk, the dressing down I was going to give him was EPIC.  The man would be crying when I was done with him.  I couldn’t wait. I was absurdly excited. Adrenaline was making me jumpy.

And then the asshole opened the door.




2 Responses to Such a let down

  • ki pha says:

    Wait, is the story done already? You just stopped with “In this fight, the….” The what?!
    But I have to admit to fighting with folks in my head too. LOL
    Sometimes it’s with my characters but many and most of the times it’s with other people when they comment on something and I wasn’t smart enough to open my mouth, I would argue it out with them in my head afterwards, or during, it really depends. My replies would be witty and harsh but I can never really say them out loud in person.

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