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Maybe I should have tried “crabby”

My dad needed help from me this weekend. He wanted to shop for a new camera, buy himself some root beer, and other random statler and waldorfstuff that was equally odd. The Bright’s piled into the car and headed out to my brother’s house to see about Pop.

One of the big things I needed to help with was helping him get replacement Medicare and Social Security cards. Lord only knows where he lost his – mostly likely a doctor’s office, but they could be just as likely in his bedroom somewhere.

I went on the Social Security website  to help him out one evening, but that site is scary! There were all kinds of threatening statements made about falsifying documents and identity theft. I took heed and told Dad I’d bring my computer out to him and we’d do it together.

grumpy old menStep One was creating a social security account online. He couldn’t remember his email address, but he insisted it wasn’t a dot com. Because of course it isn’t. In fact he couldn’t remember any of the answers to my questions, so he yelled at me instead.

His favorite reply was, “God dammit, I don’t know!”

That is why, when asked to create a user name, and my husband whispered the following to me, I considered it an excellent suggestion.

Sadly, Grumpyoldman was already taken.

Can you believe that? I suspect I was beat out by other similarly frustrated daughters who thought they’d passively aggressively grumpy cattell their parent to shut the hell up.

Also already taken was Grumpyoldman1938.

It’s a bit alarming, don’t you think? I suspect the people who work at the Social Security office don’t get paid enough if they routinely have to deal with all the Grumpyoldmen out there. Possibly there are at least 1938 of them.

Ultimately, I did manage to assign him a user name: GrumpyoldERman. A nice distinction, eh?


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