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There but for the grace of god…

We happened upon this story on the Huffington Post and it gave us pause.

The only reason this isn’t a story about us is that the main character is a bird. We’re a bit iffy about birds. The odds are that unless it was a parrot who asked us specifically to rescue it, we probably wouldn’t. Yes, we’re prejudiced against the avian. Also the reptiles. Things do not look good for snakes and lizards.Falcon

All that being said, this is a beautiful bird. It’s a kestrel falcon and is only about the size of a robin. So cute and small. Essentially a pocket raptor, only we wouldn’t recommend putting it in a pocket based on how this story goes.

A very nice Floridian gentleman found it in his front yard and thought it was hurt when it didn’t try to fly away. “The bird sat there and acted tame, and he’s like, ‘Well, it really likes me.'” So he gently brought it into the house and thought he might keep the tame bird for a pet. The officials suspect the bird had smashed into a window or something and was stunned. “Tame” behavior is not unusual in that situation, apparently.

Then he posted a proud picture on Facebook. Nothing good ever comes from Facebook. Some ratfink “friend” turned him in to the Fish and Game people. Someone from an animal rescue group called up our hero and informed him they were coming to collect the bird. He gave it up without a fight because he’s not a bad guy.

Here comes the tragedy in our little story. “The man came to the door with a huge, bloody chunk missing from his lip. He had tried to give his beloved pet a kiss goodbye.”

It’s thought it was the bird’s first kiss. The fellow from Fish and Game considered, “[The bird] didn’t know what was happening. He probably thought the guy was coming at him to eat him or something.”

Of course that man tried to kiss his pretty bird goodbye. Ava and I totally get that. People are constantly barking warnings at us not to touch wild animals because they’re going to kill us. We have two responses to this.

  1. We firmly believe when we get ahold of our wild baby – whatever it is – we will fatten it up and it will love us!
  2. If we die from a wild animal mauling then so be it. Isn’t that a better way to go than languishing from a long painful death from cancer?

We’re just sayin’ we’d have kissed that bird, too. We are definitely kissing the panda.

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