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That’s the one for us

The girl is campaigning for a gerbil. I have no idea why. They smell and they’re noisy. I know it’s illogical that I would have this opinion since I’m so gung-ho about all the other animals. Nevertheless, I’m absolutely against gerbils.

She doesn’t care. She wants one. She’s priced them out at the store. She’s gone on Amazon and researched the cost of a cage and wood shavings and every other thing a homeless gerbil needs.

Except the cost of a willing mother. We are outrageously expensive.gerbil

I’ve tried appealing to her softer side when I assure her that Jojo Kitty will happily eat a gerbil. Her response that she’ll keep him in cage where he’d be safe. I assured her that wouldn’t keep that blood thirsty cat from eating a tiny rodent. I explained how he would stalk that poor animal until it died of a heart attack.

Still she insists she’ll use her own money and that she planned to name him Gibley.

I am not swayed.

She is trying to be sneaky. On the grocery list directly between yogurt and spaghetti she wrote in gerbil. ***snort*** Like they have those over by the produce section or something. Perhaps she thought we might have a coupon to redeem.

I keep hoping My Honey stays strong with me on this, but I can feel him wavering. Perhaps I should come up with a contingency plan. Do you suppose the pet store has a sickly gerbil they’d sell me? One with a patch of hair missing and no one knows why?


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