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We should have just eaten the barbeque

First let me preface this post by saying that he’s fine – very sore, but ultimately fine.

When I got home form work yesterday, My Honey and I were both too tired to make anything for dinner. We stood together staring into the open refrigerator and decided to get take out.  I waited at home and helpfully dozed on the couch until my phone rang.

“Hey,” he said. “Some chick just t-boned my truck.”

That woke me up. “Are you OK?” I jumped up from the couch and slipped my feet in my shoes.

“Yeah, but the truck’s munched.”

I herded the kids in the car and we went to the accident site which was literally two blocks from our house. It was also conveniently located a block and a half from the local fire station. The firemen said they heard the crunch of the accident from their station house and started getting their gear on, knowing they were going to get the call any minute. I arrived on the scene just after they did. They were all wandering around with these giant flashlight- hats on.

“Hey, are you guys going to be doing any mining later?” I asked. “Maybe panning for gold in the wash between calls?”

They had the good grace to laugh because I’m funny.

My Honey refused ambulance service to the hospital, but I took him later. We were in and out of the ER in an hour and a half which I think is pretty damn good. We touched nothing while we were there because Ava and I are still in our flu shot war and I’m not getting sick at the damn hospital when all we went there for are x-rays. They had us answer a survey at the end of our visit. They asked us what they could do better and the only suggestion I had was to stop letting all those sick people in the building.

There is something funny about this whole accident episode. I know that’s hard to believe since we’re never going to get enough money from the insurance company and we have to buy a new car and we really don’t want a car payment and My Honey is awfully sore. One of my super powers is that I can find something funny in everything. It’s all in the spin you give it.

Back in December My Honey asked me where the new tags were for my car. I shrugged. I had no idea. He informed me they were up in August. Oooops. We had to get through Christmas and then you know stuff happened, but I was really planning to get them done when I get paid on February 1st. I arrived at the accident site before the policeman so when the officer arrived he parked right behind my car. I cringed and tossed My Honey a sheepish look. Fortunately, Officer Handcuffs was too busy with the accident to notice my woefully late registration. Later, when I came back to the accident after fetching the dinner from the crunched truck and taking the kids home where their grandmother was going to watch them for us while I took My Honey to the hospital, I strategically parked BEHIND the officer. Smart, eh?

Finally the cop approached us to give us his report and return our insurance cards and stuff . “I’m sorry sir, but I also had to cite you.”

My husband blinked at the man in wonder. What the hell could he possibly be cited for? The other driver had run a stop sign and plowed into his huge Dodge Ram 2500 KingCab truck hard enough to rock it on it’s wheels and cave in the passenger side. In a residential zone.

The cop actually looked apologetic. “Your car registration expired 8 days ago.”

I damn near exploded in laughter. Holy cow – mine is seven MONTHS passed due and he gets a ticket for 8 days.

My Honey did not think it was at all amusing. “If you don’t stop laughing I’m going to kill you right in front of this cop.”

I couldn’t stop laughing. I still haven’t stopped laughing. Just so you know, I did get the car registered today because he paid for it. He was certain, with his luck as of late, he’d drive my car around town and get pulled over.

Apparently he doesn’t want to play registration roulette with me.


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