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January 6

Yo ho ho (and a bottle of rum). It’s 2012. We’ve decided to live it up. You wanna know why? Cause the Mayans say it’s all gonna end this year. Well, the Mayans didn’t say it exactly. The Mayans don’t say much of anything anymore. The doomsdayers say it, but those guys will say anything. Nevertheless – it’s a great excuse to get a cupcake and a cappuccino and whoop things up. You not only have our permission, you have our encouragement. Sip your drink and find out what amused us this week.

  1. The Big Bang Theory. We’ve written about this before, but that small blog post isn’t exemplary of how often we talk about it. The show is outrageously funny. Not just slapstick, although there are periodic pratfalls, it’s also brainy – but in a good way. And kudos to the producers for finding the stupendously talented cast. Kaley Cuoco as Penny is often overlooked by the hysterical Jim Parsons as Sheldon. The rest of the cast is equally good. Kaley can drop a deadpanned look with genius comedic timing. The recent additions to the cast of Mayim Bailik and Melissa Rauch, and the frequent guest appearances of Laurie Metcalf and Christine Baranski have only made it better. Start at the beginning and watch them all, but for the love of Zeus, don’t miss The Luminous Fish episode. We almost peed ourselves over that episode.
  2. Bunnies for Ron Paul. Stop the presses. The ladies of the Moonlight Bunny Ranch brothel in Nevada have come out to say they support presidential candidate Ron Paul. They call it, “Pimping for Paul”. Apparently there was a great deal of discussion about their candidate. They almost went with Newt Gingerich, “because he’s a cheater and we appreciate a cheater”, but ultimately they chose Mr. Paul. Why do you ask? Because “he knows what women want and what women’s needs are.” Apparently, this is because of his experience as a gynecologist. Of course, this means he “knows his way around a woman.” Swear to the god of the underworld, that’s what they said. So ladies and gentlemen, with a glowing endorsement like that, we’d like to introduce you to our new president. We’re moving to Brazil.
  3. Hello Kitty. We worry about people who don’t like Hello Kitty. There is absolutely nothing to NOT like about Hello Kitty except possibly how much her stuff costs. For those of you put off because you think she’s not smiling. You’re mistaken. Just look how happyshe is.
  4. Prehensile porcupine. We’re having some difficulty getting the red panda herefrom China. We’re not happy about this, but we haven’t given up hope. We’re thinking we might have to set our sights on something with a better chance of immediate satisfaction until wecan iron the wrinkles out of that other thing. We’ve decided on a prehensile porcupine. Just look at this cutie patootie. They come from Central and South America so ROAD TRIP! Also, we’re fairly certain we can convince people at the border that it’s a dog. We’re not even a little bit worried about it poking us with the quills. We’re the Quill Sisters. It’s obvious we belong together. This is a text book example of symbiosis. It’s like the universe wants us to have a prehensile porcupine. So now you’re asking why go all the way down South to get this particular porcupine aren’t you? Hello. Tail. Jeez, it’s like you people aren’t even thinking.

    SQUISHY Mitt Romney

5. Other presidential candidates. Sometimes, the Sisters just love listening to reports on the radio.  Just this past week, a reporter became so flustered when he was asked about Mitt Romney and his “sort of” win in Iowa that he said, and we quote, that Mitt Romney was a “moderate squish”.  Yep, you read that right – the word he used was SQUISH.  Squish for goodness sake.  Do adults use the word squish?  Do adults on the radio use the word squish?  They do!  All to the sister’s delight.

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