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Big Shock

I am nearly done with my short story to submit to eHarlequin.  However, I have surprised myself yet again.  (mom and any children under 18, please stop reading now…)

It appears that no matter how hard I try, I end up writing smut.  People often ask me what I write.  And though it’s technically romance, I respond ‘Smut, of course.’  Because the gutter is where I always end up. 

I called Amylynn to let her know I needed to submit it to two different places.  First and foremost, eHarlequin’s Historical Undone ebook line, because it is a historical set in England in the 1800’s.  And because that is where I meant for it to go.  But as usual, with me, it appears I need to look for a second, alternative ebook publisher as well.  Just in case.  So, I told Amylynn, I need to do a search for publishers wanting Whore-ish Historical Tarts. 

My Lila (the heroine in the story) has a lot of good qualities.  Unfortunately, nobody will know about them because almost every scene has her pouty lips somewhere on the duke in question.  And he is no better…trust me. 

I am ten pages shy of the end and I don’t think they have had a real conversation.  But like all good romances, there will be happily ever after.  Really. 

 But it will probably involve Lila’s gown up over her head.

3 Responses to Big Shock

  • NanaScoots says:

    We were riding our scooters today and while at Foothills mall eating a caramel apple and talking about you writers, I suddenly realized OPRAH is winding up her show in 2011!!!! That means you all will get published before then so you can be on her show!!!!! 🙂 Yippee!!!!!

    Can’t wait to read the story Isabella. I know it will be very good. Writers write.

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