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Dominos: the newest health food purveyor

Guess what I learned today. Apparently I’ve been eating tons of health food and I didn’t even know it. I’ll bet you have, too.

According to a Wall Street Journal report I read in the Las Vegas airport today, Congress considers pizza to be a vegetable. And they’re not talking about one of those crazy pizzas with all the bell peppers and onions and crap. They actually consider the tomato paste to be the vegetable. Well, at least this is the case for school lunches and their nutritional requirements.

So if pizza is a vegetable then it just goes to follow that it then becomes health food. I have no reason to distrust Congress in this matter. I’m 100% confident that they have only our best interests in mind.

Ava was already under the impression that pizza was a vegetable so when I texted her she wasn’t nearly as excited as I was. I haven’t been able to notify Kelli yet, but I have every reason to believe that she will be just as thrilled.

I’m going to talk to Ava about bypassing the vegetable & fruit juice diet she has planned for us this week and trying out an all pizza diet instead. I really don’t want her trying to put a slice of pizza in a juicer.

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