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Amylynn’s blogs

The best thing in the mailbox since Valentines

My of my favorite things is to shop for cards. If I see a rounder of cards in a car wash, I’m all over it. Or in the grocery store. Or, God help me, a Hallmark store. I absolutely love to send funny greeting cards to people for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Tell me, what’s better than going to the mailbox and, mixed in with all those wretched bills there’s a hot pink envelope with a silly card inside. Instantly a better mood, I promise you.

The ShoeboxBlog is a great funny place on the net. Sadly, I’ll often see cards on there that make me snort out loud, but I can’t find them in the store.

Dear people at Shoebox,

I LOVE this card. Please send me twelve of them.

Sincerely your biggest fan,




The answer is not Amazon

A woman had a baby in a Barnes & Noble this past week. She went in there to buy a book. The stupid news article

This is way too boring for this scenario

This is way too boring for this scenario

didn’t say what book. Good Night, Moon? What Do Labor Pains Feel Like? How to Deliver a Baby in the Self-Help Section?

Damn it, it just kills me when they don’t answer any questions.

Also, what the heck was she doing there anyway? Where were her people? Was this her first kid or her seventh?

Clearly this woman needs assistance.

October 18

5-things12We don’t know what’s going on here, but we’re having a hell of a time concentrating on anything. We’ve flit from one thing to another all day. It’s taken hours to write the Five Things and a ridiculous time trying to get our Bank of No Forks work done. We’ve wandered over to the jigsaw puzzle, touched all the pieces, and then wandered away again. We keep opening our writing projects but there has been no new words added there either. We’re fairly certain we haven’t finished a single conversation all day. Before you suggest that Chipoltewe’ve had too much caffeine we’ll tell you that we didn’t even finish that today. Hopefully we make it through the funny things…

1. People making stuff up. The Sisters drug themselves over to the neighborhood Chipolte for lunch this week. This sign greeted us at the counter. Go ahead and read it (click for a bigger pic). We’ll wait here and munch on some bacon while we wait. So now we ask you, who the hell is “bacon-averse”? What does that even mean? Amylynn accused the kid behind the counter of making that up. No one is “bacon-averse”. At first we thought we didn’t even want to know anyone who was averse to bacon, assuming that they’d be so philosophically far from our point of view that they wouldn’t be worth knowing. On second thought, wouldn’t that just mean more bacon for us? We’re color chickenoff for BLTs for lunch.

2. Poulet – part deux. We read an article about how many more colors chickens can see than humans. We didn’t learn an actual number but it amounts to a crap-load. They can see totally different rainbows than we can since they can see infrared and scads of other colors. Now don’t you somehow feel cheated on an evolutionary scale? We do, still we’re not keen on laying eggs in exchange for more colors. And we don’t like exercise so we’re not going to start crossing a homerbunch of roads for no damn reason.

3. Naps. A new study about sleep suggests that your brain uses its down time to clean up in there. The scientists described it as a cleaning spree, saying that it “flushes out gunk that builds up while we’re awake.” We resent that we’re always working. Jeez now we can’t even enjoy a nap knowing that our brains are in there Lysoling everything down. It’s ridiculous. The other thing that disturbed us about the article was that it stated, “despite decades of research, scientists can’t agree on the basic purpose of sleep.” Seriously? If we don’t get sleep some of us are excessively cranky. Have they never met a three-year-old? The only thing we learned from this was

Pancake & Sugar Tree

Pancake & Sugar Tree

that we need to start applying for more scientific study grants. Just as soon as we take this na….zzzzzzzzz.

4. Pancake and Sugar Tree. Sounds yummy, right? Totally not. If you put these in your mouth you’re going to be very sorry when you come away with a bunch of pet hair in your pie hole. Pancake is a kitty who just won her mother $10,000 from the Friskies Awards people who award prize money for kitty videos on the internet. Sugar Tree is her Doberman best friend and they both live right near us. We found the video and were not especially impressed, but then we may be jaded because Jojo Kitty is the best kitty EVER. You can go decide for yourself (follow the jump above). Also, we learned that Pancake’s Mom also owns camels, emus, sheep and ostriches. Why the hell do all these people get all these animals and

We don't think babies should have beards

We don’t think babies should have beards

we can’t have anything? So un-freaking-fair.

5. Reasons to celebrate. Today is National No Beard Day. Look if you need a reason to drink – or shave – then here you go. We’d like it noted that we don’t have beards. Never have. Not really looking into acquiring one. Nobody said anything about leg hair, which we have because regardless of what it says on our dashboard thermometer, the calendar says it’s winter. Surprisingly, we don’t have a very strong opinion about beards. Crazy, huh? We have strong opinions about EVERYTHING. Beards are alright by us so long as you don’t have owls living in there. Especially when they’re worn by Robert Downey, Jr.

At some point pets should become a tax write off

So, one of the things that’s changed since Jojo Kitty came home is that he’ll need to be on a prescription diet – probably for the rest of his fuzzy little life.

That’s a bit inconvenient because the food the veterinarian recommends is by prescription only. You know that also means it’s crazy

Jojo Kitty looking quite comfortable - probably because he didn't have to clean up the puke.

Jojo Kitty looking quite comfortable – probably because he didn’t have to clean up the puke.

expensive. I’ve looked all over the internet and it doesn’t seem to be found cheaper anywhere.

$40 for a seven pound bag.

Pets are expensive, but I’ll pay for it because I’m ridiculously in love with that cat.

I’ll also feed it to our older cat because I can’t figure out a way to feed one cat one type of food and the other cat something else.

What I’d really NOT like to do is feed the dumb ass dogs $40 cat food.

Also, when the dumb ass dogs do steal an entire bowl of $40 cat food I’d really, really like them not to immediately throw it up on the living room rug.

I don’t think I’m asking too much.

I got nothing

I don’t feel well and I just gave myself a headache trying to navigate the eCopyright site. Enjoy this picture and I’ll have something for you tomorrow.

This, my friends, is cool personified

This, my friends, is cool personified

Why we’re calling in sick tomorrow

Unless you’re living in a vacuum, you may have heard that there seems to be some sort of kerfuffle in Washington DC about this health care business. We have no answers for that, although we’d like those bozos to come up with one. The latest in the threats to come out of the nation’s capital is another government shut-down.

You never think this is going to affect you. We live very far from DC. We don’t know anyone with a government job, per se. We realize that we’re not really looking at the big picture here. What happens is the Sisters decide how much we’re getting involved by how negatively something will impact our lives. “So far, so good,” we thought about this latest threat. pandacam

Until we learned that this shut-down was going to turn off the Panda Cam at the National Zoo.

WHAT!?! we shrieked. How will we go on?

Then, in a moment of perfect clarity, we realized that this could be a very good thing indeed. If there’s no Panda Cam there will be no video of us stealing ourselves a couple of pandas for our personal use.

We’ve planned it all out. We’re taking our panda-like substitute, Carlo, to replace Mai Xiang and her little panda pumpkin so when the cameras come back on, no one will notice anything amiss.

Honestly, we don’t know how this plan could possibly fail.

Brrrrrrrr! Not really.

So the calendar tells me that winter is here. Well, OK, if they’re sure.

I’m not sure because it’s still plenty warm outside. I put a jug for sun tea and it was ready in 32.7 seconds.

I stumbled across this and it made me feel like putting on a sweater.

September 27

5-things12Do you realize there are less than 90 shopping days until Christmas? 69 days until Ava’s birthday. Sooner, but no less important, it’s only 4 days till the start of hockey season. Can you believe how time just FLIES by? Remember when you were a kid, adults were always trying to tell you that time passed so quickly and you didn’t believe them. Wow, it’s so true. We don’t really like it. Sadly, no amount of complaining makes time slow down. Unless you working at Bank of No Forks. Then, for at least nine hours a day, time moves at the

We do like fat birds

We do like fat birds

speed of a tired sloth. Good thing we have all this time to screw around and find funny things. Things like these.

1. Kiwis to the Antarctic. We learned that a New Zealand airline is planning regular flights to the Antarctic. When we heard this we thought, well that will be an opportunity lost. The Sisters have no plans to go to the Antarctic because it’s very, very cold there, and we don’t do the cold. Once the temp outside hits 70 we’re complaining about the bitter weather and digging out the fur coats. Then we read further in the article and discovered it’s only for scientists and their support crews. Now we’re disappointed we won’t be allowed go. That’s discrimination and now we feel like complaining about it. We don’t like being told no. We’re smart enough to be scientists, we just chose to write a snarky blog instead. Still, we probably wouldn’t be scientists that study “cold” anyway. We have no idea why

All that fish makes you thirsty

All that fish makes you thirsty

any of this upsets us. We only include it to show you that we are very self-aware of our craziness.

2. Mindful bears. Did you know that if a bear wanders into your bar in Juneau, Alaska all you have to do is yell, “No bear! Get out! No! You can’t be in here!” and said bear will go back outside? Who would have thought that wild bears can mind better than children? We’ve tried yelling that exact same thing (substituting “kid” for “bear”) and nothing

Litsemba with her son

Litsemba with her son

happens. Because we wanted to go about this scientifically (see #1) we tried calling the kids “bear” but that didn’t work either. Really, we’re so confused.

3. Cruelty to elephants. The 24-year-old elephant in the zoo is pregnant. We are beyond delighted by that news. At least we were until we read that the zoo keepers have every intention of making certain Litsemba gets plenty of exercise during the pregnancy. Did you know the gestational period for elephants is 24 months. TWO YEARS! They’re 100 billgoing to make that poor girl exercise after she’s been carrying an ELEPHANT around in her stomach for TWO YEARS? Jeeez, and they wonder why pregnant women are so nasty.

4. New money! They’ve redesigned the $100 dollar bill. They’re describing it as “glitzier”. Oooooh. What’s not enticing about glitzy money? There is part of the Declaration of Independence and a quill and ink well that changes color. To commemorate the occasion, we’ve called our local Federal Reserve bank and ordered up a sheet of uncut bills. We requested one suitable for framing. They asked what credit card we wanted to use. Well, none of course. We’re the Quill Sisters. It has our name right there on the bill. They hung up on us. What the hell is that all about? They’re printing 2.5 billion new bills and they can’t spare one sheet of them for the namesake? All that complaining and now that black car is sitting in the driveway again. ted cruz AP

5. Faux Filibusters. We’re always thinking of new careers. Bank of No Forks will do that to you. This latest opportunity was one we’d never even considered. Honestly, we didn’t know it was even a thing, but now that we do know, we’re getting business cards made up. Filibusters R Us. So you know how we prattle on here at the blog? We can do that in person too. Our husbands are always asking what we could possibly have to talk about since we spend nine hours a day together and then still manage to have things to say via text all evening. Don’t you run out of things to say? No, indeed. We do not. Trust us when we say we could stand in front of Congress and talk for twenty hours. We wouldn’t even have to read Dr. Suess.

Let’s just hope for the best, shall we?

I know you people don’t believe me when I tell you about these things. You think I make this stuff up. Even my own mother calls up to verify some things.

Yesterday’s blog was about Jojo Kitty and his personal vendetta against a pineapple. Yesterday, when I got home from Bank of No Forks, I found an orange Hannibal Lector in the kitchen.

Poor pineapple.

I got action photos this time.


It is my understanding that the pineapple will be served for dinner this evening.

I’m afraid of what this means. Will Jojo Kitty be appeased by the demise of the pineapple and settle down? OR will he feel the need to deflect his ire and wrath on another fruit or vegetable? There are some eggplants and an acorn squash he’s showed no interest in until now.

What if he decides he’s graduated from inanimate objects and goes for the dog? OR ME? What if he starts demanding virgin sacrifice? I’m safe but what about the neighbors?

This is a lot to worry about.

Evidence in case anything happens to me

I have stuff to share with you all.

That cat of mine might be insane. More insane than regular cats. I have pictorial evidence.

Exhibit 1. Innocent Pineapple

mutilated pineapple

mutilated pineapple

We bought a pineapple. They smelled really good at the grocery store so we thought, what the hell. We set it on the kitchen counter thinking nothing of it. We had no idea that Jojo Kitty would find that piece of produce offensive. It turns out that he is against pineapple. I’m not sure if this is a religious affiliation or a political one, but whatever the reason he wants it dead. He wants it dead, its whole pineapple family dead, and he’s very serious about it.

Look at this poor piece of fruit. Pathetic.

Bowl of Death

Bowl of Death


2. Disconcerting use of toys

On more that one occasion, I have walked into the kitchen only to discover that he is drowning his toys. You’ll note the picture has both a yellow pipecleaner (these are his favorite toy bar none) and a leopard print catnip mouse at the bottom of the water bowl the cats share with the dogs. Here’s the thing. He doesn’t just gently drop his toys in the bowl and watch, detached, until they get waterlogged and sink. No. He actively drowns them by holding them to the bottom with a fuzzy foot of death. When caught in this act he doesn’t look even the slightest bit sheepish. He looks at you like, WHAT?

Weird, man. And more than a bit off-putting.

A bit off topic, I was at a local independent bookstore today. Here’s the best shelf in the place.

Mostly Books on Speedway

Mostly Books on Speedway

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