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Written with a vicious font

I was notified of jury service several months ago. My scheduled date was for my second day at my new job. I called the jury office and the lovely lady moved my date to the beginning of this month.

The day before I was scheduled to appear, I checked the website to see if I actually had to show and my group wasn’t listed. YAY!!! Instead I went to lunch with Ava and the World’s Greatest Unemployed Receptionist. It was a hell of a lot better than languishing downtown in the jury room all day.

About a week later, I received a very firmly worded POSTCARD in the mail that I failed to show up for my jury duty. Wait, what? Yes, a post card. That’s what the Supreme Court people send out when they’re threatening you with the ultimate punishment for missing jury duty – a POSTCARD. If it wasn’t so damn funny, I’d have felt much more intimidated.

The CARD stated that if I failed to show they would issue a bench warrant. rabid squirrel

Because that’s exactly how I expect to go to jail — failure to show up for jury duty. Can you imagine? Not for stealing an animal from the zoo. Not for stalking the Jared Leto with Ava. Not for smuggling exotic animals across the border.

It would be a hell of a blog, though, eh?

I called down there and this time the woman on the phone wasn’t nice. She was condescending. God, I hate that. Anyway, she rescheduled me AGAIN and was very firm that I actually show. Also, I should try not to be an idiot when I check the website for my number. She reiterated what I should wear because it was obvious that I had trouble reading. I felt properly belittled by a civil service employee.

I’m going to complain with a nasty postcard of my own+. I think one with a rabid squirrel on it will properly convey my feelings.

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