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I’m glad I’m getting my money’s worth out of that cable bill

I was putting The Bandit to bed tonight. This generally involves some giggling and squealing. He’s very ticklish and I often can’t help myself. Tonight was no different.

He kept raising his arm over his head and I couldn’t resist sticking my index finger in there. He’s so ticklish–had the light been on–all I would have had to do would be waggle my finger in the general direction of his armpit and he’d get to chortling.

It’s all very gratifying.

So, I poke him. He giggles and squirms. Repeat.

“Stop,” he’d giggle, but then he’d put his arm back up there and, well, you can see where this was going.

“I’m concerned that you’re such a slow learner,” I said after like the seventh time this cycle repeated itself.

He got a grip on his breathing. “Gandhi said no violence!”

I looked at him with wide eyes. “Where’d you learn that?” I was expecting to hear about the latest in Social Studies lessons, thinking it was a timely subject considering the recent political climate. I like hearing evidence my kid’s charter school is doing its job.

“Duh,” he said. “Peabody and Sherman.”

Mr Peabody and Sherman

I do hope it’s from the original cartoon and not the stupid movie


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