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Usually both are muddy

I have a very strange magnetic force. I don’t know how else to describe it. It’s been with me since, well, since forever. There’s no polite way to say it.  I’m certainly not bragging.

I attract little boys and puppies.


Although, oddly, the little boys do seem to be growing older as I grow older but, no matter how you do the math, they’re always little boys.  It’s just that now the little boys are in their twenties.  When I was in my twenties the little boys were in the single digits.

You see how that works?

Ava is always cracking up about my funky little fan clubs.  They manifest themselves in busboys, barristas, and random young men I don’t wish to publicly embarass.  Now days, the little boys don’t literally crawl all over me like they used to when they were 5, 6 or 7 years old.  They don’t steal kisses anymore. Sometimes, that’s a bummer.

I’m sure My Honey doesn’t think so.

Now then, puppies.  I love puppies and those little suckers can bounce on

look at that wrinkled mess of adorableness

 over anytime they want.  My Honey actually said the following words to me today, “Maybe around Christmas we can look at getting a puppy.”

A little bulldog girly named Lulu. It’s only 187 days till Christmas!

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