I keep having horror movie tag lines run through my head
I don’t know what I’m thinking. Do you remember what happened when I allowed Sassy to have a slumber party for her seventh birthday? Let me just summarize to remind you. Things did not go smoothly. There was chewing gum, loss of varnish on the dining table, vomiting and a recalcitrant guest – to name a few of the joyful events.
I wasn’t so insane as to allow that to happen again. Seriously, if I post anything along the lines of suggesting that I plan on permitting that to happen, you need to call the authorities on me right away. Clearly I need help.
What I did allow was for Sassy to invite a friend from camp to spend the night. AND THEN one of The Bandit’s cronies mom’s texted to ask if we could watch her boy the same night because their sitter fell through. I happen to really like this child and his mom, so I agreed. However, this is the first time The Bandit has had a friend spend the night.
Did you just feel the shiver run down your spine?
My thinking (I thought this through – really, I did) is that if they each have a friend over then, Bandit won’t feel compelled to pester his sister incessantly. That makes sense, right? God, I hope so.
There is a very real possibility I will look like this come Sunday.
I feel like this most evenings by 9:00 pm so I should be a real charmer come Sunday morning. I get to spend the next few days pondering why I do these things.
The Bandit has been making lists of activities.
Be afraid.
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