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Oh! And slow people at ATMs

I am easily irritated. This is a condition that all of the Sisters are subject to, and it, in itself, is an irritant.

The following is a VERY short list of stuff that bugs me.

People who ask me what I’m reading while I’m sitting in a coffee shop reading.

Morons who use a personalized license plate to state what kind of car it is, e.g. “lexus” on a Lexus.

People who are allergic to everything.

People who won’t stop talking. Ever. Even when you clearly are in no mood to listen.

Children who insist on having a home lunch but then waste it when school lunch is better that day.

Drive throughs that get your order wrong but you don’t figure it out until much too late.

Husbands who won’t let you have a puppy.

Presidential candidates who sing hymns at a press conference.

People who jack up the newspaper before you have a chance to read it.

Junk mail

The fact that my kids only got one Butterfinger in their Halloween buckets this year.

My piece of crap Samsung android phone. Absolutely the biggest piece of garbage I’ve ever had the misfortuune to own. I’ve been with Sprint FOREVER and they need to do something about this. TODAY. It’s so bad I’m even considering bailing on my contract and my service with them. Sprint should contact me RIGHT AWAY.

**This is Kelli interjecting on Amylynn’s splendid post to vent about a few things that have irritated me greatly, of late.

Following people that drive 35mph in a 55mph zone, but when you turn the corner behind them onto a road with a 35mph speed limit, they decide to go 60. Really? 

People who pick their noses at stop lights.

People who pick their noses while waiting in line at the grocery store.

The strange, smeary liquid on the conveyor belt at the grocery store that I’m supposed to place my items on. NOT.

The employees of said grocery store, who having seen me there for the past 4 years, still stop to cheerily ask me if I am finding everything ok just because they are walking by. Eight to ten times a visit. Seriously, I think they need check-out help in aisle 4, buddy.

Strangers who start off conversations with “I don’t mean to bother you…” because they clearly are. Bothering me. And finish with “but could you show me how your Kindle works? I want to get one for (insert name here) for their (birthday, easter, christmas, hanukkah, half-year birthday) gift.”  The answer is “NO! GO LOOK AT ONE FOR YOURSELF! I AM NOT AN AMAZON SALESPERSON!!”

Strangers who hover over me at Starbucks and say “Is that an iPad?”

People who don’t shower.

People who don’t shower OR brush their hair and walk around in the world expecting to be taken seriously.  

Ok, I’ll stop…Kelli, signing off…***

That is by no means a comprehensive list. This is mearly the few things that came immediately to me. What just drives you completely batty? Don’t make me add to this list.

2 Responses to Oh! And slow people at ATMs

  • Martha says:

    Things that drive me completely batty:
    Patterns that are screwy when sewing–who designs these things?
    Having no children come to the door on Halloween.
    People who complain constantly.
    The way some people scuff their feet when they walk instead of picking them up properly. Were they raised in barns?
    The way someone can cut you off in traffic and not even care if you run off the side of the road.
    Crappy prizes in cracker jacks anymore.
    Not long enough weekends. OR should I say, too long weeks at work.
    Packing a really great lunch and leaving it at home. ETC

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