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Sprint is giving me an ulcer

I really hate my cell phone. Ava hates her cell phone, too.  My Honey and I have the exact same wretched phone so you can be assured he hates his as much as I do. We all have Samsung phones through Sprint. I believe that Ed, Ava’s husband hates his Samsung Sprint phone as well.

When I say we hate our cell phones, I’m not using that word lightly. In fact, hate may not be a strong enough word. I’ll have to get out my thesaurus and get creative.

My Honey and I each have the Samsung Intercept. They should have called it the Samsung Pieceofcrapthatdoesn’tactuallyworkasaphone. It’s an android phone in which you can play games and use the internet with and all that happy crap. You know what I mean – one of those phones that is desperately trying to be an iPhone but doesn’t have a shot in hell. I can play Angry Birds – when it doesn’t freeze up. I can also catch the hockey scores live – when it doesn’t freeze up. I can Tweet – when it doesn’t freeze up. I get my email veeeeeery sloooooowly and sometimes the email I send actually arrives in the mailboxes where I sent it. I’ve long since given up trying to use Facebook because that is guaranteed to cause the stupid thing to freeze up.  The only way to un-freeze it is to pull the battery off the back and reboot. That only takes about fifteen minutes to accomplish. For whatever reason, it decides which texts it intends to send and which are so banal and unimportant that it won’t bother. We have no way of knowing if they went or not. Did it go or does Ava just not think I am as funny (Ava would never think that) as I thought I was?


The biggest, most annoying, inconvenience with the stupid thing is that the damn touch screen often times won’t let you answer a call. No matter how many times, or how gently, or roughly, or how loudly you yell at the effing thing, you can’t answer the phone. You must helplessly watch your incoming call be hijacked by voice mail because you are impotent to answer it. Anytime I call My Honey or Ava and they don’t answer I just wait for a couple of minutes. They’ll call me right back and hopefully I’ll be able to answer their call.

Speaking of calls – I only hope I never have an emergency and need to call for help. I’d have better luck chucking the phone at a potential rapist than getting the phone to cooperate in making a call for help in any kind of timely fashion.  You’d think Sprint would be concerned about that!

Amazingly enough, Sprint already replaced my phone once due to it’s horribly bad construction.

I bring all of this up because I went on and then to a human at the 800 number to see about trading up. They won’t let me. And the customer service people are completely unable/unwilling to help me. It doesn’t matter that I’ve been with Sprint for like NINE years. They don’t seem to care that other servicers are begging for me to switch over. Apparently, even in this wretched economy, customer loyalty means absolutely nothing. Not a God damned thing.

Ava seems to think we should go to a Sprint store instead of dealing with the 800 number. She thinks we’ll have better luck. All I think will happen is that I’ll get arrested for starting a riot. Everytime I go in there I become hostile. Those customer service people are unbearably snotty and frequently deserve a slap upside the head, but the police frown on me and my vigilante justice.

So – to sum up: The Quill Sisters and their entourages despise, loathe, and abhor Sprint and the crappy Samsung phones we’ve been saddled with.

What companies do you just hate to deal with?

Ava says – Amylynn just threw that last question on to feel like she isn’t the only person with such a heated dislike of a national company.  However, she did’nt really need to do that.  SPRINT is by far the worst cell phone company in the world.  My phone is such a piece of crap it’s amazing.  I had this great Verizon Android cell phone that worked like a dream.  We were with Verizon for over 20 years but they would not match the prices at Sprint – they also do not care about customer loyalty.  In this case, you get what you pay for.  I took my phone back toBest Buy, where I got it, and the 12 year old girl there took the battery off and redid something.  That didn’t solve any of my problems, it just wasted a half hour of my life.  I went on the Internet to see if I could find a solution and what I found were a whole slew of other Sprint Samsung customers saying – guess what?  Their phones are crap too!  Deep sigh . . .


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