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Sundays are apparently no longer a day of rest

We had a game plan for today.

All day Saturday we cleaned the house. We steam cleaned the carpets, dusted all the weird places and used the vacuum attachments. It was exhausting.

Months ago, I had purchased new curtains for the living room. Unfortunately, My Honey hadn’t been especially happy with my choice so I put them up in one window for him to get used to. Just as I knew they would, the curtains grew on him. they are really quite lovely. Both my mother and Mother-in-law loved them.

So we went to the store to pick up the panels for the other window.  Guess what. They don’t sell those curtains anymore. – not in the store and not online. I even tried to find them on clearance. No dice. So now I have to start completely over. Shortly, I shall be strangling him. Just so you wonder why I won’t be talking about him much in the future.

So like I said, we had a plan for today. We were going to lay around on the couch, watch bad television, and nap the day away. Doesn’t that sound lovely. Of course it does. It’s like a dream come true.

That’s how you can be 100% sure that it won’t happen.


We did start out with red velvet pancakes. That totally rocked.

Then we decided to rip out some carpet. Commence eye rolling.

It didn’t sound like that awful of a job at first. Rip out some carpet, roll it up  and tote it out to the side of the house. It really needed to be done so I readily agreed. And then I realized that involved moving all the furniture which wouldn’t be such a big job except that one of the biggest pieces is my china cabinet. The Bandit counted and I have 162 glasses in there.

Only one tea-cup was broken, by The Bandit, incidentally, only it was one of the ones hand-painted by my grandmother. Ah well. I consider only one casualty a success.

Then My Honey said, “Since the furniture is all moved, we should really paint.”

Well, it desperately needed to be done.  I looked longingly at the couch and sighed.

I chose Cathedral Vanilla or something like that at Lowes. One thing I’d like to know is when did paint become so ever-loving expensive? And masking tape? Good lord, the blue masking tape was 9.97 for one roll, together with the paint I was out $67. When did they start making paint out of gold?

The instant I got home with the paint, Sassy and the Bandit were all over it.

“When can we paint? How ’bout now? Now? Can we paint now? I wanna roller. Can I use the roller? Can I now? Now?

My Honey and I finally caved and gave them each a paint brush and pointed them towards the base boards.

For future reference, I heartily recommend you find ANYTHING else for a seven-year old to do besides help paint. His father and I might be complete idiots for even considering it. Shortly there after the boy was fired and sent to take a bath. There are only so many times you can say, “Only up and down!”, “Not on the wood!” and “Dude, no!”

Then, Miss Sassy wanted to know how much she was being paid to do this job.

Holy crap! If I’d thought of it, I could have paid them both NOT to help. That would have been the best twenty bucks I’d ever spent.

And would have taken half the time.

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