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Epic parenting

The pub in question

There’s a new scandal in England. I really love when there’s a good scandal over there because theirs are so much more interesting than our boring icky-old-Senator-texts-pictures-of-his-wang-to-underage-girl scandals.  

This new scandal has the Prime Minister and his wife, David and Samantha Cameron, accidentally leaving one of their three kids at the local pub after eating there with several friends and their kids.

First of all, I think this is going to blow over no matter how his opposition tries to make a big deal out of it. Honestly, all the parents in the world are wondering how they managed it. I’ve tried to leave my kids in restaurants before but the manager always catches me in the parking lot and makes me take my kids with me.

Mr. & Mrs. Cameron made the mistake of thinking their daughter was in “the other car” since they were traveling with several vehicles. I don’t know about you, but I’m always hoping I’m in the “other car” than my children. That never works out though. Never.

Apparently the girl went to the bathroom when they were leaving. This could so totally happen. Just imagine the scene.

Mother – Alright all you kids, we’re leaving. Does anyone have to go to the bathroom before we get in the car? Hey, are you people listening? Hello.

Kids – (skipping, screaming, punching each other, blatantly ignoring their mother) La la la la la.

Mother – Everyone get in the car! Don’t wander off. Hey, you, get in the car. (Repeat twelve times)

Daughter wanders off.

See how easy that was to imagine. I’ve had these conversations myself countless times, I’ve just never been so lucky as to leave one of the kids behind. I’m sure there was mountains of guilt when they figured out she was missing, followed by gaping pits of terror until they found her at the pub. All in all, though, I’ll bet this incident will keep that kid from wandering off next time.

There is still one little piece of the puzzle I don’t understand. My kids are so freaking loud that I can’t imagine not hearing them at all times. I would have noticed right away that there wasn’t incessant chattering and fighting coming from the back seat. I guess that’s the joy of traveling with separate vehicles. That gives me all kinds of ideas….

Honestly everyone should just calm down. There’s always the added bonus that they’ll have that story to laugh about for years over Christmas dinner and such.

“You remember that time Mum and Da left me at the pub?” **chortle chortle** (that’s how they laugh in England)

I had a friend who accidentally left their baby at the church after his christening, and my grandmother wandered off and left my mom at a store. Have you ever left your kid somewhere? Or were you the one who was left? Come on, rat your parents out. Are you scared for life or can you laugh about it now?

One Response to Epic parenting

  • Amylynn's Mom says:

    When I was a very tiny baby under six months, my grandfather got a brand new mercury and wanted to take everyone for a ride. So everyone piled into his car. Alas, after an hour they realized there was no baby present, just a two year old that was probably more than glad to have me out of the way in his new car with his grandpa.

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