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July 12

We’re not crazy about being on work trips. No matter how many times we try to tell ourselves that someone else making the bed for us everyday and picking up our towels is a luxury, it’s not. Work travel sucks. We miss our families and, holy cow, we miss that kitten. All kinds of fun stuff happened at home and we missed out on it and super soft sheets won’t make that alright. Fortunately, the Sisters can find stuff to amuse us just about anywhere. Here’s some of the stuff we noted.

1. The Hotel. The hotel we stayed at this time in Albuquerque was just

Amylynn wanted to stand on the skate board for a picture but we didn’t know if the expense account covered ER copays.

lovely in that the elevators moved at the speed of light and the people were very helpful and took excellent care of us. As you might imagine, we can be difficult and needy. By the time we finished checking in, Martin Munez had a deer in the headlights look about him, but still he presented us with a free dessert coupon for the artsy-fartsy hotel restaurant. Granted the dessert had some sort of freaky, orange “hair” on it but the provolone and pretzel fondue way made up for it. He also told us we could walk to the movie theater (see #4), but failed to factor in the monsoon when we were walking back. Amylynn terrified him a little when she approached him at the desk, water dripping from her hair, and asked for a comment card. You have to keep those people on their toes.

2. Uncle Ken. Once again Amylynn’s uncle took us out to dinner at a really cute restaurant called Indigo Crow in a fabulous pocket of Albuquerque called Corrales. We got to eat outside which is a novelty for us. One doesn’t eat outside at home in the summer unless you like your entree cooked by the sun. After the meal, he took us to the foothills of the Sandia Mountains and the Tramway. Ava, who will only do elevators when forced, wasn’t about to get on the tram but we all agreed the view across the valley at sunset was stunning. Every time we come here, we find nifty little things to be amazed by thanks to his excellent tour guiding. He sent over instructions on what to see in Santa Fe, so we’re actually looking forward to November. Who knew? Also, next time, we’re going to require a baby bison. Ken, see what you can do.

3. Nothing Bundt Cakes. We were jonesing for cupcakes. Instead we found a revelation in this bakery. Instead of cupcakes you get wee individual bundt cakes. Ava, Amylynn and the other girl with us ordered two each – all different flavors, took them back to the hotel, and divided each three ways. We’ve been nibbling bundts for days. Just in case you were concerned that we were eating healthy while we’re away. We wonder if Bundts for dinner was what Bank of No Forks was expecting when they gave us an expense

We only went to this movie for the plot


4. Magic Mike. So we’re alone in the medium-sized city. No husbands anywhere. What better time to go see Magic Mike. It’s not like we could ask our husbands to go see it with us with a straight face. We smuggled in some Swedish Fish and water bottles, bought some popcorn and prepared to giggle like school girls. The movie does have a plot, but really, who cares? Channing Tatum is adorable and can sort of act – crazy, right? We were a little disappointed that Matt Bomer and Joe Manganiello weren’t featured more, but Matthew

It looks like someone has been gnawing on the “meat cue” but that would be dumb.

McConnaughey is holding up very well. It was a total girl event (except for one man with his wife, we clapped for him) and we’re not even a little be ashamed. Slightly embarrassed, but not ashamed.

5. Boys with Skewers.We’re not boy crazy by any stretch of the imagination, but no matter who you are – unless you’re some kind of crazy vegetarian – you have to love a restaurant that brings meat on skewers directly to your table. We ate dinner at a Brazilian bbq restaurant that did just that. We had filet mignon, brisket, chicken, turkey, pulled pork – you name it. If it came off an animal we had it. Even chicken hearts. Well, to be clear, Ava didn’t try a chicken heart. That would be ridiculous. Amylynn ate one ’cause she’ll try anything. She described it as “ick” which only strengthened Ava’s anti-experimentation attitude. We haven’t been sleeping well far from home and now Amylynn is just hoping she won’t be hearing the Tell Tale Chicken Heart all night long.  BWAK!

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