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I know you people are wondering how Jojo the most adorable orange kitten is doing. He’s almost five months old and had grown an amazing amount in such a short time. He’s going to be a big kitty when he grows up.

He still comes to work with me everyday. He’s super loving – we believe this to be the undeniable truth that he has been raised by me, Ava and seven aunties five days a week. The women at work absolutely adore him. Even the security guard thinks he’s the cutest thing in orange hair.

messing around in the laundry while I wrote this post

Venders come in and find out we have an office kitty and look at us oddly, but then they see him either sleeping all curled up on my desk or racing up and down the hallway like an orange version of the Flash and they are totally won over.

That’s what brought up this post. It used to be that he slept all through the day, waking up periodically to nibble on some kibble or, more likely yawn, stretch and resettle himself on his sweater. He sleeps on my office sweater, the one I leave over the back of my desk chair for when the air conditioning goes into over drive and I’m slowly freezing to death. They say freezing to death is a really nice, peaceful way to go. I just don’t want it to happen at work. That would be awful.

But I digress.

I started laying out the sweater on my desk for him to nap on and now, as soon as he sees the thing, his eyes get droopy. It’s the kitty version of Pavlov’s Dog.

So he used to sleep all day once we got to work, spending all his crazy kitty energy by 5am in the morning when he’d race around the house wrestling with Winnie the Wonder Mutt. Now, he’s still raring to go when we get to work with about another hour of energy left in him.

I know his aunties thought I was crazy when I described his manic antics since all they ever saw was the poster kitten for lazy cats. Not anymore. Now he lurks in among the floor plants and behind doors waiting to pounce.

He hides under the copier waiting until some unsuspecting person wanders along with innocent plans of using the office equipment and bursts out from underneath to bat at her feet then race away.

There’s a door that separates our offices from the lobby and he shoves his arms underneath all the way up to his shoulders so that our receptionist will play with him. He does this same thing at home only it’s under the bathroom door instead.

We blew up balloons and left them around the office and he has the time of his life bouncing all around the office, batting at them then chasing after them.

Honest to Zeus, or Saint Francis or Muhammad – whoever, he is the best stress reliever in a super stressful job ever. We highly recommend getting yourself a work cat.


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