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Worldwide Vampire Peace

I’ll bet that Stephanie Meyers had no idea when she penned the Twilight series that she just may have written a story that could cause

I”ll admit – I totally don’t get this. Kristen Stewart is possibly the worst actress on the planet. -Amylynn

worldwide peace and unity – and yet, I think she just might have.

Over the weekend, the girl who lives at my house insisted I take her to see the final Twilight movie.  We had been to see Skyfall last weekend at the boy’s selection for his birthday and she felt it was her turn to pick.  Ed, rather conveniently, had something else already going on.  The boy tried his best to get her to switch to Lincoln but the girl wouldn’t even respond to such nonsense.  Just to aggravate her, he decided he was coming with us.

We arrived at the movie theater super early.  Being super early to a movie is a family trait because we have to sit in the very last row, dead center.  If we can’t sit there, we’d rather stay home.

As early as we were – there was a HUGE line!  There wasn’t even a line for Skyfall on opening weekend and James Bond/Daniel Craig is in that.

People from all walks of life were in that line.  I’m not kidding – young girls, young boys, teenagers – both kinds, hipsters, Gen X, baby boomers, late bloomers – you name it they were there.

Everyone waited patiently, no pushing, no shoving, very little whining (the little bit of whining was coming from me), people were actually holding places in line while others went in to get their $50 snacks.  It was a beautiful experience. Sniff.

And it got even better (or worse, depending on your point of view) once they let us in.  Everyone squished in to let everyone have a seat.  A fight over a seat had actually started when we went to see Skyfall but not here at Twilight lovefest 2012.  During the entire movie, you

This I totally get. More Bond. Yessiree.

couldn’t hear a pin drop.

I texted Amylynn: OMG, an old Italian/Mexican man wearing pleated dress pants just stepped on my foot!

I’m telling you EVERY type of person in the world was in there.  And as god as my witness, the audience clapped at the end.  It turned into a cheer.  When’s the last time you went to a movie and the audience clapped/cheered at the end?

But there you have it – Stephanie Meyers and her little vampire love store brought all kinds together and for two hours our hearts were one.

I texted Amylynn: I think that movie needs to be shown on the Gaza strip right away!

Amylynn texted back: I don’t know who you are but when the owner of that phone finds you, she’s going to beat you senseless for stealing her phone!

Except if they’ve seen Twilight . . .

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