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Ava’s blogs

June 14

Five things that kept us from slitting our wrists this weekThis has been an awesome week for book sales and rankings – at this very moment Miss Goldsleigh’s Secret is ranked #5 in Regency – and a very bad week to expect us to pay attention to anything that isn’t book related. How can we be expected to pay attention to work stuff when there are much more fun things to obsess over? We have no idea. At this point, the children are fed and clothed and the pets are alive. That’s really all we can be expected to accomplish right now. Maybe when this whole thing gets much more blase, then we’ll be like, “Whatever, #1, that’s nice.” Now, though, every time we move up in the rankings there is a new and exciting happy dance. It’s a bearveritable disco over here. We’re in such good moods we’re laughing all the time. Here are five things we picked out to share with you.

1. Crafty bears. We might be missing for a couple of days. We’re driving up to Steamboat Springs, Colorado. There is a young bear up there who has figured out how open car doors.  It seems he climbs around in parked cars looking for food. We picked up a bunch of lunch

Greece ousted from Index MSCI, buying Greece

We’re gonna live right there

meat and a roasted chicken and we’re going to leave our car “unattended” in a parking lot. We’re going to name him Stewart and he’ll be very happy in our backyard.

2.Greece will be ours! Oh, yes. It will be ours. They keep getting in more and more trouble over there and pretty soon you’ll all be eating your scoffing words. Things are so out of control they’ve been booted from the list of developed countries by the MSCI. We don’t know who they are, but they’re making our jobs much easier. Still, we ask, how the hell can the home of democracy and freaking math no longer be a developed country?Jiroemon Kimura When the Sisters get over there, things will be much better. You’ll see. Before you know it, everyone will be breaking plates, drinking ouzo, and eating baklava. All will be well.

3. Oldest man in history. The fellow finally died at 116. That’s not funny, but his picture in the obit is. He looks like quite a jolly fellow. Of course they interviewed his family. His nephew – WHO IS 80 – said lovely things about him. That always amuses us about these

squirrel and raccoon friendship

squirrel and raccoon friendship

stories. The “kids” are always like a zillion years old themselves. Anyway, good on you, Mr. Kimura.

4. Squirrel and raccoon. Would you look at this? Just look at it a moment. Don’t you feel your blood pressure decreasing? Normal people have that reaction. The Sisters don’t, but we’re certainly not normal people. When we see this picture or the bear above our immediate reaction is to yearn for whatever fuzzy animal has been placed before us. You know those idiots that are always getting mauled because they stupidly pet a wild animal? That’ll be us one of these days. We’ll be the one Stanley Cupdrowned by the whale and sliced up by the mama tiger and trampled by the elephant auntie. Just you wait and see. This is a cute story. Follow the jump and see.

5. Sir Stanley. This has been a real crappy hockey season – what with the strike and losing half of the damn thing. Playoffs picked up with some really tight series and now the first game of the Stanley Cup kicks off by going into THREE OVERTIME PERIODS. Holy cow. Amylynn will tell you she’s a Blackhawks fan but that she likes Boston, too, so she’s just happy to be watching good hockey. Ava doesn’t like either team but she’s from New Jersey so what the hell does she know?


a rambling story about nothing but it has a moral

Ava and I were starving at lunch today.  S.T.A.R.V.I.N.G.  So hungry, in fact, they could make a country song about it.

So we got our big bunch of cooked meat – honestly, we’re getting tired of this diet. We really wish it wasn’t working, but alas it is so we must stick with it – and headed back to the office. Ava asked me to drive approximately 756 miles per hour as we could get back and eat before her stomach ate itself.ribs

Instead, I called our super nice mailbox place to ask if we had anything in today. To be fair, the mailbox place was directly en route.  (Ava – to be fair?  Fair to whom?  Not me, that’s for sure.)

LO! We had a box.

We’ve been waiting for the gorgeous bookmarks we ordered. I veered the car into the left turn lane to make a quick detour.

“Don’t worry,” I told her, “I”ll just run in and grab the box. You can wait in the car.”

But then I looked across the car at Ava sitting next to me, several takeout bags of delicious smelling meat on the floor at her feet. I realized that was probably a bad idea. I had visions of returning to the car and there being no food left and Ava covered in the flotsam and jetsam of Korean ribs.

So, I made her get out of the car into the 107 degree desert heat.  That made her snarl, but I wasn’t worried since she was about to eat a boatload of meat within a few minutes.  Whatever, I didn’t want to return to my Sister with bones in her hair and the carcass of a cow littered throughout my car.

The moral of the story is: Don’t get fat then you won’t have to eat tons of meat on a stupid protein diet that unfortunately works and consequently you won’t worry about your Sister getting heat stroke instead of eating all your lunch.



June 7

5-things1We vowed that we’d stop complaining of the heat out of deference to the people on this planet who’ve been living with deadly weather like tornadoes and tsunamis and hurricanes. Unfortunately, it turns out that either we’re really awful people or total narcissists because every time we go outside the first thing out of our mouths is, “Wow, who turned on the dryer?” Somehow we do manage to make everything about us. It’s destiny. Sorry. We’re repentantly shallow — at least where heat is involved. To be fair, we don’t like wind or too much rain either, and we detest snow. We’re equal opportunity weather haters. Even while we melt, we do find things to laugh about levisthough. And we do share.

1. Jeans. Since no one ever notices us here at Bank of No Forks, we’ve taken to wearing jeans everyday. That is a glorious thing. What is it about wearing jeans in an office that makes you feel like you’re getting away with something? Honestly, jeans are kinda hot and depending on how much cake you’ve had recently, tight. But still, we LOVE wearing our jeans. Especially when Soullesswe’re not supposed to. We figure, if this is the reason we get fired after all this nonsense, then so be it. Levis for everyone! Power to the denim.

2. Souless. We’re very intrigued by steampunk. It’s so stylized and interesting. We’ve tossed around a couple ideas of our own for steampunk stories, but we’ve got so many other projects going on that we’ve restrained ourselves and not started another project. Don’t know what steampunk is? Dear lord, where have you been? It’s everywhere. You know all those interesting people you see wearing copper stuff and sporting goggles? They’re dressing the part. Anyway, we LOVE this cover. The story is delightful, too. If pretzelyou’re interested in tipping your toe in, give this one a try.

3. Pretzels. You know how when you’re craving something it keeps showing up everywhere? For us this week it was pretzels. Funny how that seems to happen to us at the same time. Or perhaps we’re both highly suggestible. Either way, we wanted pretzels. On Monday, Ava suggested we head over to Philadelphia on our lunch hour for a nice street vendor pretzel. Amylynn was game, even though that would have put us over our hour by quite a bit. On Tuesday, Amylynn wrote soft pretzels into her current work in progress. On Thursday it came to fruition. Glorious pipping hot ubber salted pretzels with mustard and cheese sauce. All is right with the world sandwichagain. Until the next craving…

4. Food craziness. Dunkin’ Donuts has introduced the Glazed Doughnut Breakfast Sandwich. It’s eggs and bacon sandwiched between two glazed doughnuts. Swear to Zeus. Now you all know we’ve been seriously dieting. For the most part that’s been going pretty well – for some of us. We really don’t have any intention of eating this concoction. First of all, Amylynn doesn’t allow her food to touch so this is unspeakable heresy (Ava would eat this). Still we do love ourselves a good glazed doughnut. And you have to hand it to the Dunkin’ people for basically showing the health food demographic the finger.cemetery

5. Thinning the herd. There is a woman in Seattle who’s decided that she can live off of water, air and light. She’s not eaten anything for 32 days. She’s lost 20 pounds – which we thing is a hell of a way to diet. She’s reported nauseousness, dizziness and exhaustion. Really. RE-freaking-LLY **eyeroll**. She’s part of a growing number of lunatics who call themselves Breatharians. We call them idiots. Or delusional. We wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised to find that we’re related to several of them. We certainly hope they have a lot of money to inherit because this working for a living thing isn’t’ really working out.

Not great expectations

Sometimes, just when you think you have this parenting thing down, one of your children will make sure you snap out of that nonsense right away.

Me – talking to the boy: Allergies are going to be bad again today.  My hair spray nozzle is clogged.

Boy: Ok, I’ll make sure I take some allergy stuff.

Me: I’ll grab you one when I get mine.  Do you have a preference? (None of the allergy medication we have actually works, but we take it to make the person who it bought happy – Ed.)

Boy: No preference.  Whichever you want.

Isn't that a pretty pollen?

Isn’t that a pretty pollen?

Girl, whom NO ONE was talking to because she doesn’t have allergies: What did you say about hairspray?

Me: The nozzle is clogged, allergies are going to be bad today.

Girl: You think you’re allergies are going to be bad because your hair spray nozzle is clogged?  (EYE ROLL)

Me: Yes, that’s how it works.  (I’m not going to explain my scientific methods to her because she’ll just ridicule me.  I’m sure that’s how Galileo felt.)

Girl: How in the world am I supposed to grow up normal????????

That’s just it . . . she’s not going to grow up normal.  I never thought she was, she’s mine.  I have no idea why she thought it.  Where does she get this stuff from?  Maybe we need to cut back on watching TV because it seems to be giving her unrealistic expectations about her life . . .

Como se dice, “Let me call the US Embassy…”

Costa Rica!!! I wonder what kind of animals live there????

Ed informs me that the acceptable response to being told one is going on vacation to foreign lands is to start planning the packing.  I don’t disagree, as you who read this blog know, but another thing you need to worry about are animals.  No, not your pets and who is going to watch them while you are gone but the “potential” pets that might be available to you where you are going.  Pets you might not find where you live.

Amylynn is in total agreement with me on this.  She might not know how to pack but she knows animals.



My last trip was to France which is way too civilized to contain new pets.  But Costa Rica – that’s a whole other ball of fur!  Costa Rica, my friends, is far less regulated than France and thus a gold mine of possible pets.

According to Wikipedia, Costa Rica has 500,000 species.  Unfortunately – or fortunately if you are Ed – 300,000 of them are insects.  That only leaves 200,000 to review for souvenirs.

I jumped right to mammals and found monkeys, sloths, bats, anteaters, and cats.  CATS!  SOLD!  There are Ocelots, Pumas, Jaguarondi, Margays, and Little Spotted Cats.  I swear to all the gods I did not make that last one up.  Picture me and Amylynn doing the happy



dance around the Bank of No Forks office.

Wiki says: The Little Spotted Cat is the smallest wild cat and does not grow bigger than a house cat. It’s like they’re begging me to take two home on the plane.

“What indigenous Little Spotted Cats?  This is Felicia and Ferdinand all the way from Tucson. We’re just heading back.”

I can’t remember the last time I looked so forward to a vacation.

***Amylynn here – I was really grumpy that Ava was going on another spectacular vacation without me, but the development of this Little Spotted Cat thing has improved my outlook greatly. Jojo Kitty is just going to love his new little sister.

May 17

5-things1Well, we’re glad that’s over. This past week at Bank of No Forks has been brutal. Especially after coming back from vacation. You know how when you come back from vacation you can never remember your job? Or your passwords? No worries. BofNF switched Amylynn’s job while she was gone and no one  else knows what they’re doing either. We fit right in. Ava participated in 75,264 conference while Amylynn was gone and still has no f**king clue. You know what makes that so funny? It’s totally true. Knowing what we go through every day, is it any wonder we spend so much time screwing around on the internet? It’s good for you cause we finds lots of funny stuff to tell you about. Let’s JacobLewstart with these five.

1. Good penmanship. In January, President Obama nominated his Chief of Staff to be the new Secretary of Treasury. Ever since Jacob Lew has been practicing his signature. Apparently, it’s so bad as to be unreadable and apparently that isn’t good if you’re going to be signing all the new money. A series of loops that bear no resemblance to “Jacob Lew” simply won’t do. We guess that’s why Ava’s never going to be nominated for the Sec of Treasury because it wouldn’t matter how many diamondmonths she practiced her handwriting, it would never be legible. We wonder if Mr. Lew is left-handed too?

2. $600,000+. There is no point in you buying a Powerball ticket this week. The Sister’s have that all sewn up. We’re so confident that we’re going to win that we’ve already spent a good deal of that money. diamond 2See item #3 below. And we contacted a real estate company in the Caribbean to find us a nice little island. Also, the diet is over because we’ll be paying to have ALL that fat sucked out. We’re done with this nonsense.

3. DIAMONDS! We love diamonds. We think it might be genetic. Gina Lollabrigida just sold a 74.53 carat yellow diamond ring that used to be owned by the Shah of Persia. It sold for just shy of $3 Million. harry & chrisAlso, a 101.7 carat flawless diamond ring just sold for 26.7 million. Are you not sure how big that is? Go find a baby and have them make a fist. That’s a 101.7 carat diamond. It looks gorgeous around our necks.

4. Harry and Chris. Two of our favorite men were tooling around New Jersey together. Prince Harry and Chris Christie. They played on the boardwalk. They toured disastrous sites. They were funny and charming. Girls all over the North East swooned and craved an ice cream. When we heard they were in the same state we started cruising the internet for pictures. We really wish we’d been invited because this would have been a fun field trip to be on. Chris is hysterical and Harry is adorable.

5. Drinking on the job. We don’t actually get to do this, but for all the attention we get paid down here in BofNF Pergatory, we could build an entire bar in our office and start charging people and no one would know. Starting Monday we’ll be running a special on margaritas. Besides, the day’s go so slowly we need something to keep us occupied. We have fairly decent health care here so we can all do rehab next month.

May 10


The Sisters are having a very different week from each other.  Generally, it’s fairly the same, seeing as how we spend 9+ hours a day together.  But not this week.  No. One of the sisters is toiling away in 26 hours of training at Bank of No Forks while the other is at Disneyland.  Disneyland. The one in Disneyland is hereby disinherited from the family fortune.  However, that did not stop us from laughing at the

following –

  1. 1. Governor Chris Christie #1 – Bug Killer – this is not a political blog but there are some politicians that the sisters LOVE even though they are politicians (Hi, Hillary!).  Governor Chris Christie of NJ is one of these people.  Here’s one example of why – just this last week he had a bunch of kids in his governor’s office and killed a spider with his bare hand.  Now we’ll admit it’s a large hand but he didn’t even hesitate to save the lives of those kids without any concern for himself.  One of the sisters has Arachnophobia, she’s mentioned it before.  I swear, if she wasn’t already married she’d be on her way to NJ to propose.

2. NJ Kid Attempts Murder with A Stapler – this kid is part of the above story but deserves his own spot.  After the Governor squashes the spider, one of the boys says “Let’s staple it.”  That’s a NJ kid right there.  The PETA people are insane over the whole incident but Amylynn thinks the spider got what it deserved even if it didn’t involve a


3. Governor Chris Christie #2 – Dieting – Mr. Christie revealed that he had secret lap band surgery in February.  We just love this guy: he diets like us, he kills spiders, he tells people to get off the streets when a super storm is coming by looking directly into the camera and saying “Yes, I’m talking to you.”, he loves Bruce . . . the list seems endless.  If he ever becomes president, we’re moving to Washington to help him out.  We think he’ll need fan girls.

4.Disneyland – the Sisters can’t remember if they’ve ever had Disney as a favorite thing before but it’s here because one of us is there.  (One of us, not both.  Which is wrong.  Not that Ava is bitter or anything.)  There isn’t anything not to love about Disney.  We love, love, love every square inch of it.  Except “It’s a Small World”.  We are deeply suspicious of anyone who doesn’t like Disney or anyone who likes “It’s a Small World”.  Something is really wrong there . . .  We do

  1. debate which is better – CA Disney or FL Disney.  I believe a trip to both is in order to solve this argument.  In fact, we’d better get over to Paris and Japan so we can speak from experience.

5. Monte Cristo Sandwich – this delectable sandwich is made of turkey and cheese.  It is dipped in egg batter and fried to a beautiful golden brown and served with powdered sugar and preserves.  The Disney people make these at the restaurant housed inside the “Pirate’s of the Caribbean” ride – but only for lunch.  TIP: you should make reservations before you get there or you won’t get in.  Holy deliciousness – now we’re starving!


The fine art of packing up

Amylynn decided she was going to take her family to Disneyland for Sassy and the Bandit’s birthdays.  I hate when Amy goes away.  No, not because I’ll miss her (though I will) but because she has no freakin’ idea how to prepare and pack for any type of trip what-so-ever.

Packing needs to be taken seriously.

You should start planning not less than 30 days prior to the trip.  You need to think about where you’re going and what you are going to wear once you get there.  Lists need to be made and index cards for each day for each family member need to be completed.  This will tell you what you have and what you need to buy for the vacation.  Anything you don’t already have on the index cards goes on a shopping list.  As you get things together, place them in your guestroom and threaten your family with death if they go in there and wear any of it.  A few days before your departure, put it all in suitcases – by day and complete outfit with each index card.

There you go, a completely stress free vacation.  You’re welcome.

By the way – don’t get too specific on the shopping list because Amy might snatch it away from you and screech in the middle of Macy’s “Where the hell do you think we’re going to find a greenish khaki jacket, but not too green, hip length with a floppy zip collar in a medium thick fabric?”  or “No one makes a coated white linen structured bag with a detachable shoulder strap and silver hardware.  We looked for that ALL last summer!!”

But I digress.  Amy gets nothing ready until the night before.  NOTHING.  She takes great pleasure in torturing me with this.

30 days out:

Me: Did you start packing yet?

Her: Nope. (evil sneer)


15 days out:

Me: Did you start packing yet?

Her: Nope. (evil sneer)


5 days out:

Me: Did you start packing yet?

Her: Nope. (evil sneer)


Night Before:

Her: I think I’ll pack. (evil sneer)

Me: Arrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

What kind of person waits to pack for an entire family vacation the night before they are leaving???  What kind of person does that???  Amylynn – that’s who!!!  I need to go lie down now.

Note from Amylynn - OK, maybe I don't know how to pack.

Note from Amylynn – OK, maybe I don’t know how to pack.

May 3

5-things1Summer’s here. We know you people in other parts of the world are furrowing your brows and looking at us in confusion, but here in the desert, we’ve got summer. It’s undeniable. Our state capital already experienced a 100 degree day. The air conditioning is already running and our kids have been swimming at their grandmother’s for several weeks. The Sisters don’t swim. That’s not to say if we fell off a cruise ship that we’d drown. We CAN swim we just don’t because that involves swimming suits and nobody needs to see that. What we do instead is sit under an umbrella with a margarita and read. Onward summer! Here’s some funnies this week.

bored, bored, bored

bored, bored, bored

1. Mary the AutoReader. In the continuing saga of Democrats and Republicans refusing to get along or accomplish absolutely ANYTHING, the Dems of the Florida state legislature have required that all the bills be read a loud. That’s a LOT of reading. Hours and hours of it. So the Floridians bought Mary for $45.00. She sat in a closet, waiting to be necessary for years. Now that she’s out of the closet, so to speak, she’s a busy little “lady”. She can read a page in 45 seconds. It’s funny – and it serves them all right to have to RDJsit and listen to that for 8 hours a day. If you’re interested Mary has now got a Twitter account because there are enough people out there just like us who can’t leave things well enough alone.

2. Iron Man 3. We love Robert Downey, Jr. We also love Iron Man. Snarky, egotistical and funny is a heady mix. We can’t wait to see this movie and have been looking forward to it ever since the The Avengers came out. We spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about Bob. He asked us to call him Bob on thegirls in car restraining order.

3. Our new look. Wow, oh Wow, do we love our new look. We’re so delighted that it really reflects our personalities. We love the cute little girls in the car above. Ava thought it was funny how Amylynn insisted, INSISTED, that the original cartoon be changed to reflect that Amylynn was driving. She refused to allow the world as a whole to think for even one minute that Ava has ever driven anywhere if there was the possibility that someone else would do it for her. It certainly never would happen on a potential road trip as described in the cartoon. Ava will be wholly in charge of folding that road map we mentioned.

4.8 year-old boys. The Bandit is eight years old today. Honest to Zeus, no one can believe he’s made it this far. The Bandit is the most aptly nicknamed child ever. He can’t seem to stay out of trouble for more than ten minutes at a time unless he’s asleep and even then, usually there are candy wrappers and his father’s flashlight in there with him, too. He’s in after-school detention next week for calling his adorable 2nd grade teacher stupid and claim jumpertelling her she sucks. He hides chocolate syrup in the closet and strawberry heads behind the couch. He can eat an entire box of ice cream sandwiches in one day – and has on a number of occasions. He hides people’s electronics and has never voluntarily picked up a toy in his life. But, he’s absurdly funny and charming when he wants to be – like all the best sociopaths. Hopefully he makes it to nine.

5. Jamie the manager. Ava and her husband went to a national restaurant chain for dinner the other night. There was an egregious health issue during dinner, one that Ava wasn’t nearly as concerned about as The Claim Jumper, but they had no idea that Ava is not a litigious person. There was a chunk of glass in her iced tea. She didn’t swallow it. She wasn’t harmed, but the restaurant manager did a really excellent job of customer service. How rare is that? Their dinner and drinks were comped and the manager practically lay prostrate on the floor. Is it bad that we like a little panicky suffering once in a while?

April 19

5-things1This was a tough week with the Boston thing and then Texas. Fortunately, the world continues to turn and human beings are notorious for doing stupid/funny/perplexing stuff. You can always count on hilarity to happen, even when you think the world is shit. We found a bunch of evidence for this theory this week. A bunch. We narrowed it down to five things – hold on to your shorts. Here we

1. Ducks don’t cuddle. When we read this story we honestly thought, “There but the grace of God go I.” In fact, we almost thought that there was some sort of space/time continuum thing going on because truly this could have been a story about us. The only thing that proves our innocence is that it involved a duck. Ducks aren’t fuzzy, ergo we weren’t involved.  Michael Hubbard doesn’t have the same prejudices we do about the feathered creatures. He tried to smuggle his pet duck into the Honolulu courthouse. The security personnel noted that his duffle bag was squirming. He tried to deny eggrollthere was an animal in there, but they weren’t falling for it. He had to leave his duck outside. Mr. Hubbard – we suggest you get a note from your doctor and find a little blue vest for your duck.


borrowed from the Washington Post

2. Egg rolls are the fifth food group. A six year old boy stole his father’s car because he was hungry for Chinese food. It was 6:00 on a Sunday morning. He managed to drive the three miles to the restaurant only to find it closed. How disappointing, right? When he left the parking lot, he hit a stop sign. The little dude was conscientiousness enough to want to have the car repaired before he went home and that’s where the police finally caught up with him.  There are a couple of amazing things happening here. We’re caught between thinking he had planned the hell out of this scheme and thinking he was clueless. He could remember where the restaurant was located, but didn’t consider it might be closed at that time on a Sunday morning? He thought to fix the car, but how he was going to pay for breakfast and the repairs. Dad was asleep and knew nothing about it until he was awakened by the police to come fetch his kid. Of course he was sleeping. What the hell else would he be doing at 6am on a Sunday? This kid is either going to be a criminal mastermind or King of the Universe.

le cave2

borrowed from The Tucson Weekly

3.  Some people are very aptly named. Dr. Giggleman is an elephant chiropractor. Of course he is. What else could he be? To be fair, he’s not just an elephant chiropractor. He also does adjustments on dogs, cats, snakes, hamsters, gerbils and a guinea pig. Thank you Dr. Giggleman. Not much is worse than a grumpy, misaligned gerbil. How do you even know a gerbil needs an adjustment? Does it run on his wheel sideways? Does ObamaCare cover this?

4. Le Cave’s. Where in the world can you get mango filled donuts, Mexican cookies, empanadas AND comedy gold you can laugh about for weeks? Le Cave’s Bakery. If you want to go off your diet – way off, like all-the-way-to-New-Zealand off, the Le Cave’s is the direction to go. There is a secret password to get into the place. As you approach the door, repeat to yourself in a whisper, “Push, push, push,” and



everything will be fine.

5. Morons. A guy was injured in town when he was attempting a stunt. Go ahead and roll your eyes now. You can do it again later if you want, and you probably will. The stunt was to go as follows: Put the truck in reverse, jump out of the driver’s seat, run to the back of the truck. Let the vehicle roll completely over him then jump up and run back to the driver’s seat and stop the car before it hits anything. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? Not much really except the truck differential got stuck on top of him. Four firemen and a police officer had to lift the truck up so another firefighter could pull the unconscious idiot out from under the truck. There was no mention if alcohol was involved, but we bet from the above description you can extrapolate your own answer. Also, possibly he should consider a diet and stay away from Le Cave’s.

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