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Target is not going to like this news

The National Toy Hall of Fame voted in their newest inductees. This year it’s Rubber Duck and chess. That all seems well and good until you find out what’s NOT in the rubber duckHall of Fame.

This year the following did NOT make the cut: bubbles, the board game Clue, Fisher-Price Little People, little green Army men, the Magic 8-Ball, My Little Pony, Nerf toys, the Pac-Man video game, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the scooter.

There are online polls where the general public can vote on which toys were more important, influential, or whatever. Turns out none of the opinion polls really matter since a national selection committee of 23 “experts” get to make the ultimate decision. I personally thought that bubbles are a little more important than rubber duckies, but what do I know? I’m not toy collector, designer, or psychologist. I’m just a former kid and the mother of two of them.

So I was curious about what actually is in the Hall of Fame. Jump rope. Hula hoop. Roller skates. Go stickhref=”” target=”_blank”>here to see the entire list and when they were inducted.

There are two items on the list I don’t know what to think of.

Cardboard box and Stick. They were voted in during 2005 & 2008 respectively.

Cardboard box, I’m totally in for. I’ve got great memories of forts my brother and I built out of old cooler and refrigerator boxes. I still have to sneak boxes out of the house before my kids see them.

Stick? Not so much. Is this a throw back from the Depression? What the hell? I’m taking back all the toys I bought for my kids because apparently all I need to do is go down to the Sears shipping department and the local park and they’ll have everything they ever needed.

One Response to Target is not going to like this news

  • Debby says:

    I went to a conference session about developmentally appropriate toys, with someone who is an expert in the field. According to studies of children’s favorite toys world-wide, stick is actually one of the top 5. I like sticks as toys, because they require imagination. (It can be a wand, a sword, a gun, combined with other sticks to make structures, etc.) All 5 things at the top of the list were incredibly basic items such as ball, stick and box. None of them were modern toys.

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