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They let us outside again

Someone did the nicest favor for me and I’ve been trying to come up with an appropriate thank you. Ava and I went to an antique mall today at lunch to see what we could dig up. We didn’t find exactly what we were looking for, but we did see plenty of very odd stuff.


We encountered this pathetic fellow way in the back of the store. We vaguely remember him from our childhood. He’s a piggy bank (or a puppy bank :0)). No word on whether or not he’ll perk up if you give him any money.







Then we could not be more surprised to run into a life-size bust of Pope Pius. He was a mere $900.00, which we think is a steal if you’re feeling a little low on guilt. What a lovely surprise to find in your foyer, eh?

pope pius










This fellow was just lying around waiting for us to shriek upon discovering him. He still had all his feet and was easily six feet long. Ava would not try him on for you.








As best as we could tell, this is NOT the Portrait of Dorian Gray, but if you hung above your mantle we’re certain he would scare you just as much.










This might possibly be the ugliest thing we’d ever seen. It was a giant gold framed Christmas tree formed with groupings of obnoxious costume jewelry. This was both a sin against fashion and art. And just to prove that we obviously have no idea what the hell we’re talking about, a woman walking along behind us found it quite attractive.









This beer Stein was the size of a gallon of milk. Please note the swastikas. You can hardly miss them. It’s labeled Nazi Pottery Pitcher and was set to go for $200.00 AS IS. What it would cost new makes us shiver. Under what circumstances would this ever need to be manufactured?










Finally, we present to you what we’re calling Emo Shoes in Leather. We don’t know why anyone would need to have shoes with  weird Emo kids on them. Or why they would spend 45.00 on such an item.


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