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April 1

5-things12Here we are at the beginning of April. Another quarter down. That much closer to the end of our books. This has been a very exciting week. The latest Julia Quinn book came out! That’s super exciting. Here’s some of the super-duper wondrous stuff that happened to us this week. fat astronaut

1. Here we come! Our applications to join the manned mission to Mars came through. No one could possibly be more excited and surprised than us about this development. So shocked were we that we didn’t even answer the phone when the call came in. Who would have believed NASA would accept us to panda ballbe the first fluffy astronauts. Who? We fly to Houston next week to be fitted for space suits. We’re asking that Michael Kors be consulted. We’d like a nice sportswear feel. Think of all the outstanding blogs we’re going to write from space!

2. Puppy! We got a new puppy. Can you believe it? We hardly can either! Oh my, but he’s the sweetest little thing. All fuzzy and sweet. He eats a lot cause he’s on a special diet, but we’re learning how to grow everything we need. We had to travel really far to pick him up from the “breeder”, but we office memecouldn’t be happier. Here’s to sweet little Rupert, oh how we adore thee.

3. Our dreams came true. Well after a particularly  stressful day at work, Amylynn lost it and clobbered someone with a ream of copier paper. They totally deserved it; we assure you. We’re sure you can imagine that the owner of the company didn’t really like that much, but things didn’t really get dicey until someone forgot for the 7,000 time to fill the Keurig with water. Ava lost it and jared and tomchased that person down the hall with the industrial stapler. There’s only so much we can be expected to put up with. The Sisters were summarily fired and it was the best day of our lives.

4. Talk about phone calls! If we were shocked to hear from NASA on Tuesday, imagine how shocked we were to pick up the phone on Thursday to find Jared Leto and Tom Hardy were calling. We didn’t believe it was them so we made them quote movie lines from Batman and Mr. Nobody until we were convinced. Tom indulged us the whole time using a gorgeous British accent. We’d have asked Tom to quote from our favorite movie of his, Warrior, except we’re not sure ifballoons2 he actually said any words in that movie. We took the opportunity to inquire of Jared why he can’t be in a nice romantic comedy for a change. It was a super afternoon.

5. We’re opening a shop! Yep. With all that free time we’re opening a lovely new store! We’re calling it the CakePieIceCreamBooksJewleryShoesPet Store. There will be huge couches to sit on, several animals to pet, and treats to enjoy. We won’t open until noon and close around nine. You should start sucking up to us now as there’ll be heavy discounts for our friends.

Happy April Fools Day!


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