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Try to find a pic of THAT on the internet.

I was reading the paper when I got home from work on Friday.  An innocent enough hobby.  I must share with you the caption under a photo that, at first, had me whooping with laughter and then contemplating logistics and then flabbergasted with the answer.

Here is the picture that started the whole thing:

And this is the abreviated caption:

Ladies and gents, we give you: Orbital Evolution, Tucson’s most famous Hula-Hoop troupe.

The italics and colored font are my own doing.

The most famous?  The MOST famous?  Exactly how many less famous hula hooping troupes are out there?  In Tucson?  One of the things that Tucsonans say all the time is, “Tucson is very small” and it’s true.  Even though we finally have a million people in our town (if you count aaaallll the area – not just city limits), Tucson has never become very sophisticated.  It has retained its small town mentality.  One might even say, if they were to play the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game, that in Tucson, it’s really more like 3 – at the most. 

So by my exposition, the town is very small.  If that is to be believed then how is it possible that I have never heard of THE MOST FAMOUS OF TUCSON’S HULA HOOPING TROUPE?  In fact, I have never heard of any hula hooping troupe? 

When I looked it up on the Internet, apparently there are a whole bunch of them.  An entire sub-culture of hoopers. 

Now that I know they’re out there, they’re going to start showing up everywhere – like zombies.

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